Upgrading Payara Server

There are two valid methods of fully upgrading to a new release of Payara Server. Either of the following two methods would work in most circumstances:

These methods should not be used for upgrading from Payara Server 5 to Payara Server 6 and will not update your installation correctly. You should instead use a clean installation of Payara Server 6
  1. Backing up and restoring the existing configuration to a new installation. Read Backup and Restore Method

  2. Maintaining completely separate domain and node directories and pointing the new version to the existing directories. Read Domain and Node Directories Method

Payara Server 5 to Payara Server 6 Migration Considerations

Package names for Corba classes have changed from com.sun to org.glassfish, therefore if you use the java.naming.factory.initial system property you should set it to org.glassfish.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory for Payara Server 6.

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