
Lists Payara Server modules.


asadmin [asadmin-options] list-modules [--help]


The list-modules subcommand displays a list of modules that are accessible to the Payara Server module subsystem. The version of each module is shown.

This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Example 1 Listing Payara Server Modules

This example provides a partial listing of modules that are accessible to the Payara Server module subsystem

asadmin> list-modules
ist Of Modules
Module Status Report Begins
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [114]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.microprofile-config-extensions [273]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.transaction.internal-api [389]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.payara-modules.hazelcast-bootstrap [137]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.hazelcast-eclipselink-coordination [138]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.monitoring-console.core [296]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.ejb.ejb-container [89]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.corba.glassfish-corba-orb [123]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.core.jakartaee-kernel [203]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [430]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.jmx-monitoring [248]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [383]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.osgi-resource-locator [1]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.eclipse.angus.mail [10]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.microprofile-fault-tolerance [279]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.extensions.notifiers.slack-notifier-core [371]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.extensions.notifiers.snmp-notifier-core [379]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.phonehome-bootstrap [347]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.microprofile-metrics [285]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.jdbc.runtime [216]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.flashlight.framework [105]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.notification-cdi-eventbus-core [302]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.extensions.notifiers.teams-notifier-core [387]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.ejb.http-admin [91]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis [21]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.orb.enabler [313]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.appclient.server.appclient-connector [16]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.microprofile-config-service [274]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [112]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.nucleus.logging [267]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.asadmin-recorder [20]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.osgi-platforms.osgi-container [329]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.concurrent.impl [49]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.admin.cli [4]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.apache.felix.configadmin [423]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.nucleus.kernel [262]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.payara-modules.healthcheck-core [142]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.connectors.internal-api [54]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.orb.iiop [314]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.api [149]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [44]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.jms.core [244]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [428]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.objectweb.asm.tree [23]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.notification-jms-core [305]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.notification-eventbus-core [304]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.concurrent.connector [48]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [108]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.grizzly.glassfish-grizzly-extra-all [126]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.apache.felix.eventadmin [424]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.healthcheck-checker [141]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.deployment.autodeploy [77]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [110]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.common.amx-core [7]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.environment-warning [98]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.admin.config-api [50]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.apache.felix.scr [429]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.common.internal-api [157]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.microprofile-healthcheck [281]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.apache.felix.gogo.command [426]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.common.glassfish-mbeanserver [128]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [367]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.deployment.dol [87]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel [154]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.connectors.runtime [55]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.admin.monitoring-core [298]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [94]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.extensions.notifiers.datadog-notifier-core [73]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.web.weld-integration [416]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.payara-modules.opentracing-adapter [309]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.payara-modules.healthcheck-stuck [146]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.admin.util [6]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.objectweb.asm [25]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.microprofile-jwt-auth [283]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.utils [155]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [18]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.ejb.opentracing [93]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.web.naming [407]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.common.glassfish-naming [129]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.nucleus.glassfish [131]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.objectweb.asm.commons [22]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.hk2.config [150]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [109]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.jdbc.config [215]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [160]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.resourcebase.resources.nucleus-resources [307]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.payara-modules.requesttracing-core [352]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.microprofile-openapi [287]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.resources.javamail-connector [206]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.transaction.jts [258]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.webservices.jsr109-impl [255]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.common.util [47]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.webservices.connector [411]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.common.glassfish-api [117]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api [181]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.asadmin-audit [19]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [106]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.locator [153]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.extensions.notifiers.newrelic-notifier-core [300]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.grizzly.nucleus-grizzly-all [306]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.healthcheck-metrics [144]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [359]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [368]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.deployment.javaee-core [80]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [366]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.resources.connector [353]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.class-model [34]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [115]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.notification-core [303]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.deployment.javaee-full [81]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.payara-modules.payara-executor-service [333]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.ha.hazelcast-store [136]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.web.cli [401]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.payara-micro-service [339]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.transaction.jta [257]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-modules.healthcheck-cpool [143]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.osgi-adapter [327]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [113]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [358]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.batch.glassfish-batch-connector [119]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [116]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.payara-appserver-modules.microprofile-config [275]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.deployment.common [79]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.extensions.notifiers.xmpp-notifier-core [421]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.apache.felix.fileinstall [425]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.hk2.config-types [51]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.orb.connector [312]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.internal.docker [86]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime [427]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [96]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.server.core.common.container-common [71]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.objectweb.asm.util [24]], State = [READY]
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [fish.payara.extensions.notifiers.discord-notifier-core [85]], State = [READY]
Command list-modules executed successfully

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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