This version is distributed only to Payara Enterprise customers |
Due to some changes in the following areas, you might encounter some small functionality changes:
Executor Service
Async CDI events
EJB Timers
Access log
If you are uncertain if this might impact your application, please feel free to ask more information.
There are new asadmin commands for the configuration of the health check feature, the old ones are still valid but are deprecated.
New Features
PAYARA-3344 - Allow a configurable graceful behaviour for Payara Server’s (and Micro) shutdown hook
PAYARA-3381 - Daily rotation for Access Log
PAYARA-455 - PY should clean up temp files
PAYARA-546 - Allow setting SO_KEEPALIVE on the DAS or specific configs
PAYARA-1896 - Refactor HealthCheck service commands to bring in to line with other asadmin commands
PAYARA-2206 - Remove registration and installer modules
PAYARA-3262 - Don’t create a new response in the JaxrsContainerExceptionMapper
PAYARA-3316 - Improve @AroundInvoke/@AroundTimeout interceptor handling
PAYARA-3318 - Allow enabling or disabling HTTP methods for the j_security_check action
PAYARA-3360 - asadmin list-commands only works when domain is running
PAYARA-3382 - Make
configurable -
PAYARA-3434 - Optimise FileArchive to reduce deployment times
PAYARA-3438 - Improve usability of MP Health endpoint as readinessProbe for k8s
PAYARA-3499 - Optimise ASClassLoaderUtil
PAYARA-3505 - Prevent JLine Logging in Asadmin Multimode
PAYARA-3507 - Improve the Executor Pool and Queue Sizes in Payara Micro
PAYARA-3508 - Improve logging in ConnectionPool
Security Fixes
PAYARA-3331 - Upgrade jackson to 2.9.7 to fix:
Bug Fixes
PAYARA-3160 - Minimum log file size error is ignored when set using file
PAYARA-3163 - WebAppClassLoader fails to find JAX-WS Handler class
PAYARA-3164 - Variable substitution in post boot command file doesn’t work in Payara Micro
PAYARA-3257 - CDI Bean created (but fails) when interface has @Path annotation
PAYARA-3258 - Open API takes into account annotated interfaces without implementation
PAYARA-3260 - Metrics API produces invalid metric names for Prometheus
PAYARA-3356 - EJB Timer fails when using non-persistent flag
PAYARA-3357 - asadmin shell issues when ask for additional data
PAYARA-3358 - asadmin command stop-domains no longer works
PAYARA-3362 - get-http-listener throws NPE
PAYARA-3366 - Payara MP Config getConverters() is not thread-safe
PAYARA-3373 - Certificate realms with a custom JCE provider still raise exceptions
PAYARA-3376 - Some JVM parameters are not correctly stored through the Web Admin Console
PAYARA-3425 - asadmin recorder generates wrong command for create-network-listener
PAYARA-3432 - Setting core-pool-size of ExecutorService result in NPE
PAYARA-3449 - list-protocol-filters command fails with NPE
PAYARA-3451 - Managed Scheduled Executor Service doesn’t execute tasks from versioned applications
PAYARA-3478 - SO_KEEPALIVE checks for wrong port, and Enable Logic is Wrong
PAYARA-3479 - NPE when logging JMX monitoring data to server.log
PAYARA-3511 - ClassCastException when using CircuitBreaker.delayUnit Config Property
PAYARA-3512 - CircuitBreaker Interceptor Checks for Config Override on Wrong Annotation
PAYARA-3565 - asadmin create-node-ssh install=true fails to create the ZIP
Component Upgrades
PAYARA-3292 - Upgrade Tyrus to 1.14
PAYARA-3294 - Upgrade javax.mail to 1.6.2
PAYARA-3297 - Upgrade MIME Streaming Extension (mimepull) to 1.9.10
PAYARA-3299 - Upgrade GlassFish MBean Annotation Library (gmbal) to 4.0.0
PAYARA-3300 - Upgrade commons-io to 2.6
PAYARA-3301 - Upgrade wsdl4j to 1.6.3
PAYARA-3302 - Upgrade metainf-services to 1.8
PAYARA-3303 - Upgrade javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api to 1.2.2, javax.servlet.jsp.jstl (impl) to 1.2.5
PAYARA-3308 - Upgrade PrototypeJS version used in the Admin Console
PAYARA-3388 - Upgrade maven-compiler-plugin to 3.8.0
PAYARA-3389 - Upgrade maven-clean-plugin to 3.1.0
PAYARA-3390 - Upgrade maven-resources-plugin to 3.1.0
PAYARA-3391 - Upgrade maven-jar-plugin to 3.1.1
PAYARA-3392 - Upgrade maven-war-plugin to 3.2.2
PAYARA-3394 - Upgrade maven-dependency-plugin to 3.1.1
PAYARA-3395 - Upgrade maven-site-plugin to 3.7.1
PAYARA-3396 - Upgrade maven-remote-resources-plugin to 1.6.0
PAYARA-3397 - Upgrade maven-invoker-plugin to 3.1.0
PAYARA-3398 - Upgrade maven-jaxb2-plugin to 0.14.0
PAYARA-3399 - Upgrade antlr-maven-plugin to 2.2
PAYARA-3400 - Upgrade maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.0.0-M2
PAYARA-3401 - Upgrade maven-install-plugin to 3.0.0-M1
PAYARA-3403 - Upgrade build-helper-maven-plugin to 3.0.0
PAYARA-3404 - Upgrade jaxws-maven-plugin to 2.5
PAYARA-3405 - Upgrade maven-deploy-plugin to 3.0.0-M1
PAYARA-3407 - Upgrade findbugs components to 1.7
PAYARA-3408 - Upgrade glassfish ha-api to 3.1.11
PAYARA-3409 - Upgrade jackson to 2.9.8
PAYARA-3410 - Upgrade javassist to 3.24.1-GA
PAYARA-3411 - Upgrade glassfish pfl components to 4.0.1
PAYARA-3412 - Upgrade ant version to 1.9.13
PAYARA-3413 - Upgrade org.glassfish.annotations:logging-annotation-processor to 1.8
PAYARA-3414 - Upgrade javax.el to 3.0.1-b11
PAYARA-3416 - Upgrade hazelcast to 3.11.1
PAYARA-3418 - Upgrade maven-plugin-api to 3.6.0
PAYARA-3420 - Upgrade jsftemplating to 2.1.3
PAYARA-3421 - Upgrade jsp components to 2.3.3
PAYARA-3472 - Update Weld to 2.4.8.Final
Known issues can be seen on our GitHub issues page here: