Release Highlights
Complete MicroProfile 2.0 support including updates to:
Fault Tolerance
OpenID Connect connector
Admin Console Changes/Improvements:
Ordered config tree
New MicroProfile pages
Payara-specific Deployment Descriptor
Supported APIs and Applications
Java EE 8 Applications
MicroProfile 2.0 (in v5.183) / 1.4 (in v4.1.2.183)
New Features
PAYARA-1714 - Add asadmin command to generate autocompletion for bash
PAYARA-2288 - Create a MicroProfile Settings Page into the Admin Console
PAYARA-2721 - Implement MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 1.1
PAYARA-2761 - Create payara-web.xml
PAYARA-2834 - OpenID connector support
PAYARA-2851 - Implement Config 1.3
PAYARA-2852 - Implement Open Tracing 1.1
PAYARA-2853 - Implement JWT-Auth 1.1
PAYARA-2560 - Redesign set-monitoring-configuration asadmin command
PAYARA-2722 - Notifiers can be made less noisy
PAYARA-2733 - Add reasonable default timeouts for Jersey client
PAYARA-2763 - Translate Payara only feature to Spanish
PAYARA-2828 - Add rotation on file size options on Access logging
PAYARA-2843 - Add Logging format options to Payara Notification Logger
PAYARA-2861 - Allow Setting of Public Address for Hazelcast Cluster Node
PAYARA-2871 - Improve listing batch jobs memory usage in admin console
PAYARA-2889 - Defer Open API scanning to when the /openapi endpoint is first accessed
PAYARA-2904 - Remove invalid files from bin directory
PAYARA-2961 - Configurations tree view doesn’t list in alphabetically order
PAYARA-2966 - Filter healthcheck-list-services and notifier-list-services in default Asadmin recorder config
Bug Fixes
PAYARA-1987 - When using the Admin Console, create-password-alias fails on remote instances
PAYARA-2491 - Jersey Bean Validator fails to inject Weld managed beans
PAYARA-2635 - HTTP 500 error is thrown when trying to sort instances using node.
PAYARA-2694 - Login page for the Admin Console does not use the new styling
PAYARA-2724 - Wrong error message when injecting a custom JNDI resource with no defined value
PAYARA-2732 - JDBC Connection Pool Flush fails on clustered environment
PAYARA-2775 - MP Metrics support for @Stateless JAX-RS resource
PAYARA-2784 - Session passivation not working for session file persistence type
PAYARA-2788 - Changing port for an non-admin http listener doesn’t work for set-network-listener command
PAYARA-2821 - HealthCheck checks send multiple notifications when a new notifier is added
PAYARA-2822 - Access logs are not being purged
PAYARA-2824 - CDI event bus notifier doesn’t deliver events
PAYARA-2827 - Postboot Command File Parsing Error
PAYARA-2830 - StackOverflow error in OpenAPI module
PAYARA-2831 - Grizzly Doesn’t Recover From High CPU Load
PAYARA-2835 - Client cannot find a secured EJB when running on the same host as the backend
PAYARA-2846 - StackOverflowException in OpenAPI
PAYARA-2848 - Concurrent Modification Exception in parseBeansXML
PAYARA-2849 - PrometheusExporter for MP metrics conversion error
PAYARA-2860 - Cannot reorder JVM options table in admin console
PAYARA-2863 - Metrics endpoint displays internal error in case an invalid metric is defined
PAYARA-2868 - Duplicate metrics validation
PAYARA-2869 - StackTrace Split into Multiple Log Records
PAYARA-2870 - Log Formatter Isn’t Used for ConsoleHandler
PAYARA-2874 - Enabling Security Manager Causes Log Errors
PAYARA-2878 - Applications aren’t Deployed to an Instance with Autobinding Enabled
PAYARA-2880 - Unsupported operation at Microprofile Config
PAYARA-2881 - Recursive annotations cannot be deployed with JPA on Payara 5
PAYARA-2891 - JMS deployment failure in cluster
PAYARA-2892 - HTTP/2 memory leak
PAYARA-2894 - OpenAPI picks up internal applications when you restart the server.
PAYARA-2895 - Payara Micro Experiences Classloading Errors
PAYARA-2910 - RuntimeException in Admin Console JVM Options for New Configuration
PAYARA-2911 - Can’t set description for JMX Monitoring attributes
PAYARA-2920 - OpenAPI has Hardcoded 8080 Port
PAYARA-2921 - OpenTracing Swallows StackTraces
PAYARA-2923 - IllegalStateException when Running Jax-Rs applications with Request Tracing Enabled
PAYARA-2924 - NPE on EE7 Sample Jax-Rs Async-Server when Request Tracing is Enabled
PAYARA-2925 - Background for admin console in IE is wrong colour
PAYARA-2926 - Cookie session persistence type does not throw exception after maxSessions reached
PAYARA-2929 - Batch RuntimeConfiguration has wrong target
PAYARA-2953 - Payara Micro Arquillian Container Doesn’t Use Java Home
PAYARA-2960 - Wrong TLS Protocol Settings for IIOP Listeners
PAYARA-2962 - Missing String ConfigProperty should cause DeploymentException
PAYARA-3024 - IllegalArgumentException when trying to get a ChronoUnit using MP Config getOptionalValue
PAYARA-3027 - When creating a new stand alone instance the HTTP ports are displayed incorrectly
PAYARA-3029 - Can not create a new ssh node which is not on the default SSH port
Fixes for upstream bugs
These defects are most probably present also in the upstream GlassFish Server version.
PAYARA-2931 - Memory Leak caused by PersistentManager component when enabling file-type session persistence
PAYARA-2941 - AJP NullPointerException
PAYARA-2956 - Don’t log warnings when only checking if CDI bean is also JAX-RS resource
Component Upgrades
PAYARA-2723 - Update Hazelcast to 3.10.2
PAYARA-2942 - Update Weld to 3.0.5.Final
PAYARA-2945 - Update validation-api to 2.0.1.Final
PAYARA-2979 - Update hibernate-validator to 6.0.12.Final
PAYARA-2996 - Align jboss-logging versions to 3.3.2.Final
PAYARA-3002 - Upgrade Eclipselink to 2.7.3
PAYARA-3003 - Upgrade asm to version 6.2.1
PAYARA-3049 - Update jline to 2.14.6