Payara Platform Documentation


The Payara Foundation not only provides application servers in the form of Payara Server and Payara Micro; there are also satellite projects which complement and enhance the developer experience.

These include:

Payara Micro Maven Plugin

A plugin for Apache Maven is available for Payara Micro.

Payara Micro Maven Archetype

An archetype for Apache Maven is available for Payara Micro.

Payara Micro Gradle Plugin

A plugin for Gradle is available for Payara Micro.

Payara Tools Eclipse Plugin

A plugin for using Payara is available for Eclipse.

Payara Apache NetBeans tools

The tools for using Payara are available in the Apache NetBeans.

Payara Visual Studio Code Extension

An extension for using Payara is available for Visual Studio Code.

Cloud Connectors

Cloud Connectors are a collection of JCA adapters which can interact with popular message brokers, including:

Arquillian Containers

Arquillian containers help perform integration tests for application servers. There are various containers available for Payara:

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