Payara Platform Documentation

Defining a Schema name

Payara Server Enterprise allows the ability to define the name of the database schema that will hold all batch job tables. This can be set via the Admin Console, in the domain.xml file, or using Asadmin commands.

Defining a Schema name through the Admin Console

  1. Click on the instance or cluster to move to its configuration page.

  2. Select the Batch tab, and from there click on the Configuration sub-tab.

  3. Enter your desired value in the Database Schema Name field.

  4. Save your changes

Defining a Schema name using Asadmin

It’s possible to set the schema using the set-batch-runtime-configuration command.

The command requires you to specify the Executor or DataSource lookup name, which you can do with the -x or -d options respectively.

The command defaults to targeting the Admin Server instance (server), to target a different instance or cluster, use the --target option.

To specify the schema name, use the --schemaName option, or its shortcut -n.

An example can be seen below:

asadmin set-batch-runtime-configuration -d jdbc/__default --target cluster1 -n test

This command expects the administration server to be listening on port 4848. If it is not, use the -p option to specify the port, for example:

asadmin -p 5048 set-batch-runtime-configuration -d jdbc/__default --target cluster1 -n test

Defining a Schema name in the domain.xml file

  1. Open up the domain.xml configuration file.

  2. Find the <batch-runtime-configuration> tag under the appropriate <config> tag (e.g. <config name="server-config"> for the Admin Server), and enter the schema name like so:

    <batch-runtime-configuration schema-name="testSchemaName"></batch-runtime-configuration>
If you’re editing the domain.xml of a domain that has not been started at least once, the batch-runtime-configuration tag will not exist and you will have to add it in yourself

Specifying a Blank Schema Name

If you specify a blank schema name, then the schema name will depend on the what database vendor is being used:

  • On MySQL, the test schema will be used

  • On H2, Derby, Oracle, DB2 and PostgreSQL the schema name will be the username of the JDBC connection pool resource associated with the JDBC resource to which JBatch is configured to use.

This behavior only applies if you explicitly specify the schema name as blank; the schema name will still default to APP if not overwritten.
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