
Enables or disables the endpoint that allows HTTP(S) transport based communication for remote EJBs.


asadmin [asadmin-options] set-ejb-invoker-configuration [--help]
[--target] target
[--roles] roles-list
[--authmoduleclass] sam-class
[--authmodule] security-provider-id
[--realmname] realm-name
[--authtype] auth-type
[--endpoint ] context-root
[--virtualservers] virtualserver-list


The set-ejb-invoker-configuration can be used to configure the Remote EJB Lite HTTP endpoint settings.

The set-ejb-invoker-configuration --enabled=true/false commands actually deploy/undeploy an internal small WAR application that exposes the endpoint.
This application is shown in all overviews that show deployed applications that are currently enabled.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Specifies the target for which to configure the ejb-invoker endpoint. Valid values are as follows:


Configures the EJB invoker endpoint for the default server instance server and is the default value.


Configures the EJB invoker endpoint for every server instance in the cluster.


Configures the EJB invoker endpoint for every server instance in the deployment group.


Configures the EJB invoker endpoint for a particular server instance.


Enables or disables the ejb-invoker application.

Defaults to true


Whether secure access to the ejb-invoker endpoint is enabled or not.

Defaults to false


If defined, the endpoint will be configured to be authorised for users that belong to the list of the roles specified (in comma-separated format).


The context root used to expose the ejb-invoker application endpoint.

Defaults to ejb-invoker


Defines the full qualified class name implementing a subclass.

If defined and securityenabled is set to true, the HttpServlet Message security provider is created and ejb-invoker application secured with the configured authentication module.


Defines the existing message security provider ID.

If defined and securityenabled is set to true, the ejb-invoker application will be secured with it.


Defines the registered realm name.

If defined and securityenabled it set to true, the ejb-invoker application will be secured with the corresponding realm that will be used for authentication.


If defined, the endpoint will be assigned to a list of virtual servers specified as a comma-separated list of names.

Otherwise, the endpoint will be assigned to all virtual servers available.


The following command will enable the endpoint on the DAS:

asadmin> set-ejb-invoker-configuration --enabled=true

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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