
Adds a connection pool with the specified connection pool name.


asadmin [asadmin-options] create-connector-connection-pool [--help]
--raname raname
--connectiondefinition connectiondefinitionname
[--steadypoolsize steadypoolsize]
[--maxpoolsize maxpoolsize]
[--maxwait maxwait]
[--poolresize poolresize]
[--idletimeout idletimeout]
[--transactionsupport transactionsupport]
[--descrip[tion description]
[--ping {false|true}]
[--pooling {true|false}]
[--property (name=value)[:name=value]*]


The create-connector-connection-pool subcommand defines a pool of connections to an enterprise information system (EIS). The named pool can be referred to by multiple connector resources. Each defined pool is instantiated at server startup, and is populated when accessed for the first time. If two or more connector resources point to the same connector connection pool, they are using the same pool of connections at run time. There can be more than one pool for a connection definition in a single resource adapter.

A connector connection pool with authentication can be created either by using a --property option to specify user, password, or other connection information, or by specifying the connection information in the XML descriptor file.

This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Specifies whether a connection is associated with the thread to enable the thread to reuse the connection. If a connection is not associated with the thread, the thread must obtain a connection from the pool each time that the thread requires a connection. Possible values are as follows:


A connection is not associated with the thread (default).


A connection is associated with the thread.


The name of the connection definition.


Specifies the maximum number of times that the server retries to create a connection if the initial attempt fails.
Default value is 0, which specifies that the server does not retry to create the connection.


Specifies the interval, in seconds, between successive attempts to create a connection.
If --creationretryattempts is 0, the --creationretryinterval option is ignored. Default value is 10.


Text providing descriptive details about the connector connection pool.


If set to true, all connections in the pool are closed if a single validation check fails. This parameter is mandatory if the --isconnectvalidatereq option is set to true. Default value is false.


The maximum time that a connection can remain idle in the pool. After this amount of time, the pool can close this connection. Default value is 300.


If the value is set to true, the connections will be checked to see if they are usable, before they are given out to the application. Default value is false.


Specifies whether a resource to a transaction is enlisted only when a method actually uses the resource. Default value is false.


Specifies whether a physical connection should be associated with the logical connection only when the physical connection is used, and disassociated when the transaction is completed. Such association and dissociation enable the reuse of physical connections. Possible values are as follows:


A physical connection is associated with the logical connection even before the physical connection is used, and is not disassociated when the transaction is completed (default).


A physical connection is associated with the logical connection only when the physical connection is used, and disassociated when the transaction is completed. The --lazyconnectionenlistment option must also be set to true.


Specifies whether leaked connections are restored to the connection pool after leak connection tracing is complete. Possible values are as follows:


Leaked connections are not restored to the connection pool (default).


Leaked connections are restored to the connection pool.


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, for which connection leaks in a connection pool are to be traced.
If connection leak tracing is enabled, you can use the Administration Console to enable monitoring of the JDBC connection pool to get statistics on the number of connection leaks. Default value is 0, which disables connection leak tracing.


Specifies whether a connection that is selected from the pool should be matched with the resource adaptor. If all connections in the pool are identical, matching between connections and resource adapters is not required. Possible values are as follows:


A connection should be matched with the resource adaptor (default).


A connection should not be matched with the resource adaptor.


Specifies the maximum number of times that a connection can be reused.
When this limit is reached, the connection is closed. Default value is 0, which specifies no limit on the number of times that a connection can be reused.


The maximum number of connections that can be created to satisfy client requests. Default value is 32.


The amount of time, in milliseconds, that a caller must wait before a connection is created, if a connection is not available. If set to 0, the caller is blocked indefinitely until a resource is available or until an error occurs. Default value is 60000.


A pool with this attribute set to true is contacted during creation (or reconfiguration) to identify and warn of any erroneous values for its attributes. Default value is false.


When set to false, this attribute disables connection pooling. Default value is true.


Quantity by which the pool will scale up or scale down the number of connections. Scale up: When the pool has no free connections, pool will scale up by this quantity. Scale down: All the invalid and idle connections are removed, sometimes resulting in removing connections of quantity greater than this value. The number of connections that is specified by --steadypoolsize will be ensured. Possible values are from 0 to MAX_INTEGER. Default value is 2.


Optional attribute name/value pairs for configuring the pool.


Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false.


Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false.


Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false.


Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false.


The name of the resource adapter.


The minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool. Default value is 8.


Do not specify this option. This option is retained for compatibility with earlier releases. If you specify this option, a syntax error does not occur. Instead, the subcommand runs successfully and displays a warning message that the option is ignored.


Indicates the level of transaction support that this pool will have. Possible values are XATransaction, LocalTransaction and NoTransaction. This attribute can have a value lower than or equal to but not higher than the resource adapter’s transaction support attribute. The resource adapter’s transaction support attribute has an order of values, where XATransaction is the highest, and NoTransaction the lowest.


Specifies the time interval in seconds between successive requests to validate a connection at most once. Setting this attribute to an appropriate value minimizes the number of validation requests by a connection. Default value is 0, which means that the attribute is not enabled.



The name of the connection pool to be created.


Example 1 Creating a Connector Connection Pool

This example creates a new connector connection pool named jms/qConnPool.

asadmin> create-connector-connection-pool --raname jmsra
--connectiondefinition jakarta.jms.QueueConnectionFactory --steadypoolsize 20
--maxpoolsize 100 --poolresize 2 --maxwait 60000 jms/qConnPool
Command create-connector-connection-pool executed successfully

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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