
Sets the LDAP Config Source


asadmin [asadmin-options] set-ldap-config-source-configuration [--help]


The set-ldap-config-source-configuration provides a way to configure the MicroProfile LDAP configuration source.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Defaults to false. Enables or disables the config source


Defaults to false. If set to true, applies the changes instantly without a restart. Otherwise, a restart is required.


URL where the LDAP server can be reached


Defaults to none. Type of the Authentication method used during the connection with the LDAP server.

The MicroProfile LDAP config source supports simple and none auth type. If simple auth type is selected then Bind DN and Bind DN Password are mandatory. If none auth type is selected then Search Base and Search Filter are mandatory otherwise optional.

If Search Base and Search Filter are not defined then data fetched from direct binding.


Defaults to false. Secure the LDAP server connection using LDAP over TLS (STARTTLS) protocol


Distinguished name for the application that will be used to access the LDAP server


Password for the application defined by the Bind DN member. In place of the password, you can enter an alias which corresponds to the password in the form: ${ALIAS=<password-alias-name>}


Overrides 'Base DN' and causing the search to be used instead of direct binding


Search filter to find values starting from the 'Search Base DN' with the scope specified by 'Search Scope'.


Search scope determines the depth of the search in the LDAP tree


The timeout for connecting to the LDAP server in milliseconds. The value should be greater than zero. If this value is not specified or less than one, then wait for the response until it is received.


The timeout for fetching the results from the LDAP server in milliseconds. The value should be greater than zero. If this value is not specified or less than one, then wait for the response until it is received.


Specifies the target where the configuration source resides.
Valid values are as follows:


Specifies the DAS (default).


Specifies a Payara Server instance.


Specifies a cluster.


Example 1 Setting the LDAP configuration

This example enables and configures LDAP authentication on the Payara Server instance, specifying the LDAP server’s URL, authentication type, binding credentials and other settings.

asadmin set-ldap-config-source-configuration --enabled=true --dynamic=true --url=ldap:// --authType=simple --bindDnPassword=password --bindDn=cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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