Release Highlights
This release has been based on GlassFish Server Open Source 5 which was released on September 21, 2017.
New Features
PAYARA-140 - Bundle an alternative embedded database with Payara (H2)
PAYARA-188 - Hazelcast based SSO
PAYARA-862 - Integrate JSONB
PAYARA-864 - Add support for HTTP/2
PAYARA-1079 - Make Hazelcast EJB timer store from Micro available in full profile
PAYARA-1305 - Add support for CDI 2.0
PAYARA-1541 - Integrate Soteria
PAYARA-1815 - Integrate Servlet 4
PAYARA-1909 - Create a domain discovery mode
PAYARA-1915 - Create Deployment Group as a loose grouping of servers
PAYARA-2081 - Create a Roles Permitted CDI annotation
PAYARA-2246 - Clustered Singleton beans CDI support
PAYARA-2297 - Directory Config Source with support for Kubernetes format
PAYARA-2434 - Put Mojarra parallel init behind switch
PAYARA-189 - Completely Remove GMS and Shoal
PAYARA-1030 - Remove Jettison from Payara
PAYARA-1166 - Add configuration for JDK 8 metaspace into production domain
PAYARA-1225 - Enhance the production domain template further
PAYARA-1541 - Integrate Soteria
PAYARA-1740 - Split up application deployment in to prepare and initialize phases
PAYARA-1771 - Make default group to role mapping the default
PAYARA-1926 - JSF Deployment can be slow - unnecessary validation being done
PAYARA-1946 - Set X-Powered By to Servlet 4
PAYARA-1986 - Add the Quarter number to the Payara Version in the Logs
PAYARA-2079 - Update Truststores
PAYARA-2245 - JSF Deployment can be slow - Large XML file parsed
PAYARA-2256 - Remove Derby from Payara Micro
PAYARA-2286 - Update JSP Compiler
PAYARA-2331 - Refactor admin console SAM
PAYARA-2365 - Remove info about REST endpoints when there are none in the app
PAYARA-2381 - Change version string of Mojarra to not be a SNAPSHOT
PAYARA-2382 - Remove GlassFish reference at boot
PAYARA-2383 - Switch ANSI colour logging on by default
PAYARA-2385 - Sort out Cluster Logging
PAYARA-2437 - Mojarra deprecated cdi 1.1 warning
PAYARA-2455 - Rename payaradomain to "production"
PAYARA-2467 - Remove useless JarFileFactory log message
PAYARA-2471 - Tidy up some of the Data Grid terminology
PAYARA-2477 - Create asadmin commands for MicroProfile Metrics
PAYARA-2504 - Change the Default Value of the allowLinking Property to false
PAYARA-2519 - Make the enabled Option of the set-hazelcast-configuration Command Optional
PAYARA-2521 - set-hazelcast-configuration Asadmin Command allows you to set the clustermode as anything
PAYARA-2523 - Log a message when a user picks an obvious but wrong value when using Payara Micro and domain cluster mode
PAYARA-2347 - Reskin Admin Console
PAYARA-2379 - Review all INFO logs on boot and remove any that are not useful
PAYARA-2438 - Revamp Request Tracing into OpenTracing-style format
Bug Fixes
PAYARA-2038 - Payara Micro pom.xml contains non-optional dependencies
PAYARA-2148 - @Transactional interceptor not fully compatible with CDI 2.0
PAYARA-2212 - Weld Warnings for ServletRequestListener for async servlets
PAYARA-2283 - Illegal type error in logs when starting Payara
PAYARA-2335 - UX Issue on Data Grid Admin console
PAYARA-2342 - NoSuchElementException during Hazelcast Bootstrap
PAYARA-2346 - CDI event bus listeners not initialized in Payara micro, ManagedExecutorService fixes
PAYARA-2352 - Domain Discovery mode doesn’t seem to work on Windows
PAYARA-2357 - Cannot update the Data Grid Configuration via the admin console
PAYARA-2358 - Restart Data Grid does not work
PAYARA-2363 - Applications Fail to undeploy cleanly
PAYARA-2364 - Soteria warning when deploying applications
PAYARA-2378 - start-cluster asadmin command executes but spits out fail message
PAYARA-2384 - Missing log messages on boot
PAYARA-2387 - Singleton JAX-RS failure
PAYARA-2389 - Fault Tolerance retry interceptor log message variable doesn’t get inserted
PAYARA-2390 - WebSocket in Mojarra fails to obtain the server port
PAYARA-2396 - Setting of properties fails
PAYARA-2412 - Fix Internal Server Error when using the Java EE Security API with Basic authentication without password
PAYARA-2418 - Payara 5 Log Files Display Leftover Version Point
PAYARA-2420 - EJB Timer button is broken on Deployment Groups page
PAYARA-2421 - "ErrorHandler not set" error on Startup of Payara 5
PAYARA-2422 - Enabling an app on the app page doesn’t work
PAYARA-2424 - Deployed Applications have an incorrect number of targets
PAYARA-2427 - Deployed application in Micro logs shows a lot of junk
PAYARA-2429 - "Invalid join request" warning periodically printed to Micro logs
PAYARA-2430 - Reenabling an app on the Applications page does not reenable ManagedExecutorService
PAYARA-2432 - "No valid EE environment for injection of fish.payara.microprofile.metrics.cdi.producer.MetricRegistryProducer" gets thrown a lot when deploying applications.
PAYARA-2435 - Payara 5 Embedded is Broken
PAYARA-2439 - SSL Certificate Expired spammed to log
PAYARA-2440 - Refactor a line within prettyDateFormat
PAYARA-2442 - H2 jdbc-connection-pool config
PAYARA-2449 - Current master shows started instances as stopped
PAYARA-2451 - Remove system.out in Mojarra
PAYARA-2463 - Unsatisfied Bean Dependency Error on Startup
PAYARA-2464 - asadmin doesn’t consider jacc-provider properties
PAYARA-2465 - Fix GH #2328 Cannot run payara from Intellij IDEA
PAYARA-2468 - Lots of junk in the log from JSF
PAYARA-2474 - Missing log message on boot
PAYARA-2478 - Creating a instance in the deployment group now results in java.lang.RuntimeException
PAYARA-2492 - Jasper Exception when loading an application deployed to Payara Micro Programmatically
PAYARA-2501 - Update
PAYARA-2502 - Have endtime for requesttraces use correct time
PAYARA-2505 - Clusteredrequesttracestore never removes traces
PAYARA-2507 - Hazelcast messagelisteners registered twice
PAYARA-2511 - If default config value not set, optional shouldn’t have a value
PAYARA-2512 - Investigate and fix JSON logging on Payara Micro
PAYARA-2514 - Properly escape quotes in request trace spans
PAYARA-2520 - The default target of the set-hazelcast-configuration command is incorrect
PAYARA-2524 - Duplicate Jackson jar packaged into Payara Micro
PAYARA-2530 - Payara Micro Fails to Produce InstanceDescriptor for EJB Jar
PAYARA-2535 - Stateful EJBs fail on Payara Micro due to Hazelcast not enabled
PAYARA-2536 - ConcurrentModificationException when restarting Hazelcast
PAYARA-2554 - NPE when starting span in the new context if instance is null
PAYARA-2563 - NullPointerException on MP Config CdiOptionalInjectionTest
Fixes for upstream bugs
PAYARA-2116 - restart-instance doesn’t synchronise when secure admin is enabled
PAYARA-2531 - ResourceValidator does not set up invocation context on lookups
Component Upgrades
PAYARA-1556 - Upgrade derby to
PAYARA-1806 - Integrate latest JAX-WS 2.4.0
PAYARA-1917 - Upgrade Felix
PAYARA-1998 - Update bean validation to 2.0
PAYARA-2094 - Upgrade HK2 to 2.5.0.b61
PAYARA-2253 - Update to HV 6.0.3
PAYARA-2254 - Update Payara 5 to GF-Corba 4.1.1.payara-p1
PAYARA-2401 - Integrate Weld 3.0.2.Final into Payara 5
PAYARA-2403 - Upgrade IBM JBatch to 1.0.3
PAYARA-2415 - Upgrade ASM to 6.0
PAYARA-2462 - Upgrade Yasson to 1.0.1
PAYARA-2469 - Upgrade Grizzly to 2.4.3 to synch up with Eclipse
PAYARA-2482 - Update to various Felix dependencies
PAYARA-2499 - Upgrade JavaMail to 1.6.1
PAYARA-2503 - Update Weld to 3.0.3
PAYARA-2506 - Upgrade Hazelcast to 3.9.3