Payara Micro Command Line Options

All of the options listed below are case-insensitive from version; prior versions need the option to be set with camelCase notation

Configuration Option Description Default Value

--accesslog <directory-path>

Sets user defined directory path for the access log.


Sets user defined log format for the access log.

" %auth-user-name% %datetime% %request% %status% %response.length%"


Sets user defined access log write interval.



Sets user defined simple date time suffix for access log filenames.



Sets user defined prefix for access log filenames.

--additionalrepository <repo-url>

Specifies an additional repository to search for deployable artefacts in. Since and 5.184 it is possible to use basic authentication. For example . You may also use aliases https://USER:{ALIAS=ALIAS_NAME}

--addjars <jar-path>

Deprecated. Use --addlibs instead

--addlibs <file or directory path>

<file-or-directory-path> add specified jar files into classloader, or packaged into an uberjar. Multiple files can be specified as colon separated values.


Enables auto-binding for the HTTP port.


--autobindrange <number-of-ports>

Sets the range for HTTP and HTTPS port auto-binding.



Enables auto-binding for the HTTPS port.



Modifies the cluster discovery mode of Payara Micro Community when finding members of the cluster. Options are multicast:group:port, tcpip:host:port, domain:dashost:port


--clustername <cluster-name>

Sets the cluster group name.

--clusterpassword <cluster-password>

Sets the cluster group password.

--contextroot <context-path>

Sets the context root of the application originating from the --deploy option given first that does not specify a context root itself. See Define context root for more details.

--copytouberjar <directory-path

<directory-path> copy a directory into the root of an uberjar

--deploy <file-path>[:<context-path]

Specifies a WAR file to deploy and optionally the context path to use for that application.

If not set, has no value and is not used.

--deploydir <directory-path>

Sets a directory which will be scanned for EAR, WAR, and RAR files for auto-deployment.

If not set, has no value and is not used.

--deployfromgav <list-of-artefacts>

Specifies a comma separated groupId, artifactId, versionNumber of an artefact to deploy from a repository.

--deploymentdir <directory-path>

See --deploydir.


Disables the Phone Home service for this instance.

If not set, the Phone Home service is active.

--domainconfig <file-path>

Overrides the server configuration with an alternative domain.xml file.

If not set, the domain.xml contained in the Payara Micro JAR is used.


Watch the logging properties file for changes, and apply them dynamically

--enablehealthcheck <boolean>

enables/disables the HealthCheck Service.



Enables the Request Tracing Service and optionally sets the threshold unit and/or value.

--enablerequesttracingadaptivesampling <boolean>

<boolean> Enables the adaptive sampling. Can also be enabled by configuring any one of the adaptive sampling configuration options

--group <group-name>

Sets the instance’s group.


Displays the configuration options and then exits.

If not set, this option is not used.


Enable Host Aware Partitioning. When enabled cluster backups will not be stored on members with the same IP Address.


--hzconfigfile <file-path>

Sets the Hazelcast configuration file to use for overriding the built-in Hazelcast cluster configuration.

If not set, the built-in Hazelcast configuration file is used.

--hzinitialjoinwait <time in seconds>

Sets the time in seconds for Payara Micro to wait before attempting to join the data grid.


--hzPublicAddress <host-name or ip>

The Public Address to use for this Data Grid Node. Used when the node is behind a NAT

--instancegroup <group-name>

See --group


Specifies the Interfaces that the data grid discovery mode should use to listen. Can be comma separated, e.g.,192.168.0.*


Sets the micro container to lite mode, which means it clusters with other Payara Micro instances but does not store clustered data.



Reveals either the #BadAssFish or a custom logo on boot.

--logproperties <file-path>

Allows user to set their own logging properties file.

--logtofile <file-path>

Outputs all the Log entries to a user defined file.

--maxhttpthreads <max-thread-count>

Sets the maximum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool.


--mcaddress <multicast-address>

Sets the cluster multicast group if multicast cluster mode is selected. See --clustermode.

--mcport <multicast-port>

Sets the cluster multicast port if mulitcast cluster mode is selected. See --clustermode.


--minhttpthreads <min-thread-count>

Sets the minimum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool.


--name <instance-name>

Sets the instance name.

Generated Universally Unique Identifier (Adjective-Fish).


Do not unpack the Nested Jars when booting the server. This is generally slower than unpacking the runtime.



Disables clustering for this instance.



Disables Host Aware Paritioning. See --hostaware

--outputuberjar <file-path>

Packages up an Uber JAR at the specified path based on the provided command line arguments and exit.


Create launcher launch-micro.jar into the root directory that is specified by --rootdir and exit.

--port <http-port-number>

Sets the HTTP port that the instance will bind to.


--postbootcommandfile <file-path>

Provides a file of asadmin commands to run after booting the server.

--postdeploycommandfile <file-path>

Provides a file of asadmin commands to run after all deployments have completed.

--prebootcommandfile <file-path>

Provides a file of asadmin commands to run before booting the server.


The target number of traces to sample per the configured time window



The time unit for the adaptive sample time; a java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit value (also in singular) or one of the short forms: ns, us/µs, ms, s, m/min/mins, h or d.



The period of time to attempt to hit the adaptive sample target count in


--requesttracingthresholdunit <threshold-unit-notation>

Sets the time unit for the requestTracingThresholdValue option, i.e. SECONDS, ms, days etc.

--requesttracingthresholdvalue <threshold-unit-value>

Sets the threshold time before a request is traced.

--rootdir <directory-path>

Sets the root configuration directory and saves the configuration across restarts.

Defaults to


Directory to read configuration from key-value files using the Microprofile config api.

--shutdowngrace <duration-ms>

After server shutdown is initiated the server waits this period of time to finish ongoing requests before terminating. Currently, new requests are still accepted during this grace period.


--sslport <ssl-port-number>

Sets the HTTPs port that the instance will bind to.

If not set, has no value and HTTPS is disabled.

--sslcert <certificate-name>

Sets the SSL certificate name to be used from the keystore for SSL


--startport <cluster-start-port-number>

Sets the cluster start port number.


--systemproperties <file-path>

Reads system properties from a file.

--unpackdir <directory-path>

Unpack the Nested Jar runtime jars to the specified directory.

Unpack to


Displays the version information


Exit the server immediately after configuration is done, applications are deployed and it’s ready to serve requests.

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