Payara Platform


Configures the settings of the Email notifier.


asadmin [asadmin-options] set-email-notifier-configuration [--help]
[--target target]
[--jndiName sessionName]
[--recipient recipient]


This command can be used to configure the behaviour of the Email notifier in Payara Server.

This command is available as long as the Email notifier’s core module is installed in the server.
This notifier’s extension is installed by default on Payara Server Enterprise.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


This option helps specify the target on which you are configuring the Email notifier. Valid values are:


Applies to the default server instance. This is the default value.


Applies to every server instance in the cluster.


Applies to a specified sever instance.


Defaults to false. Enables or disables the log notifier


Defaults to false. When set to true, applies the changes without a server restart.

Otherwise, a restart is required.


Defaults to false. Whether the notifier is active even if the notification event threshold is set to FINE.


Defines the JNDI name of the mail session resource used to send email notifications.


The recipient’s email address that will receive the notification events.


Example 1 Enable the Email notifier and configure it using a mail session

asadmin set-email-notifier-configuration --jndiName=mail/sampleSession --enabled=true --dynamic=true

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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