Payara Server has a diagnostic tool that on demand collects the following information from the server runtime.
configuration file -
Server logs
Notification logs
Access logs
A JVM thread dump.
A JVM Heap Dump
JVM Report
The collection of this data can be targeted towards specific a specific server instance, deployment group or cluster. By default, everything is collected from the DAS, each instance, deployment group and cluster configured in the domain.
If the target(s) is(are) offline, only the domain.xml
configuration file, server, access and notification logs will be collected.
If you are not using the default domain1, you must specify the domain to collect diagnostics from. |
The diagnostics tool can be manually upgraded to a newer version in case it is needed. To do so, download the latest 1.x JAR release from Nexus using this link and then replace the older version into your Payara Server installation under the as-install/glassfish/lib/asadmin folder.
The diagnostic tool can be used through the collect-diagnostics
Asadmin CLI subcommand, which will collect the relevant data and store it locally in a ZIP bundle that can be used for troubleshooting purposes when raising support tickets on the support portal.
Using this command will allow both customers and support staff to work faster on the investigation and analysis of production and development incidents.
The data collected is stored in a ZIP file in your user home directory, the output directory by default. |
asadmin> collect-diagnostics --serverlog={true|false} --domainxml={true|false} --threaddump={true|false} --heapdump={true|false} --jvmreport={true|false} --domaindir domaindir --nodedir nodedir --dir dir --target target-name domainname
Command Options
Option | Type | Description | Default | Mandatory |
Whether to collect access logs. |
no |
Whether to collect notification logs. |
no |
Whether to collect server logs. |
no |
Whether to collect the |
no |
Whether to collect a thread dump. |
no |
Whether to collect a heap dump. |
true |
no |
Whether to collect the JVM report. |
no |
String |
The path to the directory containing the target domain. |
no |
String |
The path to the node directory containing the target instance. |
no |
The directory path where the ZIP file will be stored. |
no |
String |
The name of an instance, cluster or deployment group. |
no |
The name of the domain you would like to collect diagnostics for. |
no |
The resulting compressed ZIP file will have a directory structure similar to the following:
deploymentGroup1 ├── instance1 │ ├── instance1-domain.xml │ ├── instance1-jvm-report.txt │ ├── instance1-server.log | ├── instance1-notification.log │ ├── instance1-server_access_log.txt │ └── instance1-thread-dump.txt └── instance2 ├── instance2-domain.xml ├── instance2-jvm-report.txt ├── instance2-server.log ├── instance2-notification.log ├── instance2-server_access_log.txt └── instance2-thread-dump.txt
Where the data is grouped in sub-folders segregated in all targets (deployment groups, clusters and instances) scanned by the command.
The following example shows how to collect the data of all instances that belong to the deploymentGroup1
deployment group in the mydomain
asadmin> collect-diagnostics --target deploymentGroup1 mydomain
Directory selected /home/user/payara/diagnostics/mydomain-2024-04-15T11-42-36Z
Collecting domain.xml from instance2
Attempting to create missing path at /home/user/payara/diagnostics/mydomain-2024-04-15T11-42-36Z/deploymentGroup1/instance1
Collecting logs from instance2
Collecting jvm report from instance2
Collecting thread dump from instance2
Collecting Heap Dump from instance2
This version of Payara does not support heap dump generation.
Collecting domain.xml from instance1
Attempting to create missing path at /home/user/payara/diagnostics/mydomain-2024-04-15T11-42-36Z/deploymentGroup1/instance1
Collecting logs from instance1
Collecting jvm report from instance1
Collecting thread dump from instance1
Collecting Heap Dump from instance1
Command collect-diagnostics executed successfully.
Collect Diagnostics with an unavailable DAS
Diagnostics can be collected directly from a running instance in case its corresponding DAS it’s not available by specifying the admin port of the target instance (by using the -p
asadmin options), like this:
asadmin> -p 24848 collect-diagnostics --target deploymentGroup1 mydomain
This command must be run locally on the host of the node where this instance is located. |