Release notes - Payara Platform Enterprise 5.63.0

Supported APIs and Applications

  • Jakarta EE 8

  • Jakarta EE 8 Applications

  • MicroProfile 4.1

Bug Fixes

  • [FISH-6456] Remove the HTTP/2 warning

  • [FISH-8163] Upon Upgrading from Payara 4.x to any Payara 5 the Prime Faces Autocomplete in a composite component has issues with the Select Event.

  • [FISH-8273] Unable to delete System Properties via admin console

  • [FISH-8482] Payara server admin console - Version number appears to remove any non-numerical character

Component Upgrades

  • [FISH-8505] Upgrade Nimbus Jose JWT to 9.37.3

  • [FISH-8507] Upgrade STAX2 API to 4.2.2

  • [FISH-8556] Upgrade VirtualBox JWS to 4.2.8

  • [FISH-8560] Upgrade Accessors Smart to 2.5.1

  • [FISH-8626] Upgrade Docker JDK 8 Image to 8u412

  • [FISH-8627] Upgrade Docker JDK 11 Image to 11.0.23

  • [FISH-8628] Upgrade Docker JDK 17 Image to 17.0.11

  • [FISH-8629] Upgrade Docker JDK 21 Image to 21.0.3