Release notes - Payara Platform Enterprise 5.40.0

Supported APIs and Applications

  • Jakarta EE 8

  • Java EE 8 Applications

  • MicroProfile 4.1


[FISH-5938] [Community Contribution - sgflt] Improve CDI Annotation Scan Speed

[FISH-5722] Allow Managed Executors to be Defined in 'payara-resources.xml'

Bug Fixes

[FISH-6259] Looking Up A Remote EJB Using AppClient Gets A NPE on JNDI Lookup on JDK 17.

[FISH-6041] Microprofile Config getOptionalValue Method throws NoSuchElementException if the environment value does not exist

[FISH-1515] Connection Closes Prematurely On HTTP/2 HTTPS Connections When Request Takes Long To Complete

[FISH-5976] Trying To Access Microprofile Config Before Service Locator Started During Postboot Script

Component Upgrades

[FISH-6263] Smack 4.3.4