A Docker node is similar to the existing SSH, DCOM, and CONFIG nodes in that it is a virtual representation of a Payara Server installation, providing connection details that the Domain Administration Server (DAS) uses to communicate with the installation to create, stop, start, and delete instances. Where it differs from these existing node types is that instances created against it are actually housed in Docker containers, and so also contains details on how to communicate with the Docker engine of the remote machine.
The Docker engine must expose its REST admin service on an HTTP port |
Creating a Docker Node
Creating a Docker node is done in a similar manner to creating an SSH or CONFIG node, either by asadmin command, or by the Nodes page of the admin console.
Docker nodes do have some unique configuration properties however:
Docker Password File - This is the fully-qualified path of the password file that the Docker instance will use for authentication against the DAS. Please note, that this path should be the path to the file on the remote machine. This file should be a standard Payara password file as you would use with asadmin. This must be specified, as Docker instances require secure admin to be enabled to start.
TLS - Whether or not to use HTTPS to communicate with the Docker engine or not.
Docker Port - The port that the Docker engine is listening on. Defaults to 2376.
Docker Image - The Docker image to use. This must be specified; the suggested image name is the Payara provided image: payara/payaraserver-node:{5.192}.
The configuration options of CONFIG nodes are also available, namely nodehost, nodedir, and installdir. Specifying the nodehost option remains mandatory, but for docker nodes the installdir and nodedir options can safely be left as their defaults unless you’re specifying your own Docker image.
The asadmin command for creating Docker nodes is as follows:
asadmin create-node-docker --nodehost localhost --useTls true --dockerPasswordFile /opt/passwordfile --dockerport 2376 DockerInstance1
The admin console page for creating Docker nodes is the same as creating the other node types: simply select DOCKER as the node type from the dropdown. |
Configuring TLS
As Docker must expose an HTTP port, it is recommended that it be protected using TLS outside of developement environments.
A guide for how to do so can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/https/
Assuming you followed this guide, you will need to perform the following steps to allow Payara Server to communicate with the Docker engine:
Import the CA certificate into the Domain truststore (defaults to ${payaraHome}/glassfish/domains/${domainName}/config/cacerts.jks)
Create a PKCS12 bundle from the client certificate and key
Import the generated PKCS12 bundle into the Domain’s keystore (defaults to ${payaraHome}/glassfish/domains/${domainName}/config/keystore.jks)
Please ensure that the useTLS option of the node matches whether or not you have configured TLS for the Docker engine, as otherwise any communication with the Docker engine will fail. |